Current life abstract

ACE Personal Trainer
Heart Zone Certified
FUNctional Fitness
Type 1 Diabetic
I am many things, but somehow diabetic gets woven into all forms. Probably because it is literally a 24/7 job. So I use it not as an excuse, but as a reason to explore unknown realms with more curiosity. Even with the most perfect scenario of escapism, I am brought back to reality with a juice box because my blood sugar is too low, it hangs around and lingers, always there to remind me that what I am being actively present in could be altered by my blood sugar levels. So not having the luxury of a self controlling pancreas, I have to be the external hard drive of my brain, constantly consuming data and my surroundings to report back and try to understand how I can function optimally, even if I am only running on fifty-percent.
I hope to merge this spectrum of mediums that I passionately call, my life; from fitness, nutrition/cooking, cycling, photography, adventuring/camping and self reflection to form a cohesive portfolio to allow collaborations with others in all domains & disciplines, to be able to give back & provide information, tips, & life hacks to future diabetics & maybe even help unravel the true mystery of type 1 diabetes, all while promoting positivity & that DIY go getter, simpler is better kinda life. Stick around, check it out! Thanks for taking a look!