Stay lit, stay fit
Curiosity, & the idea of exploring unknown territories is what keeps me focused on becoming healthier overall & physically stronger. Combine that with deep thought & enlightening photographs, I hope to use these zeens & other content as a tool to motivate everyone, & especially type 1 diabetics to get out there & explore the beauty of nature! Journey as far as you feel comfortable, & next time, go a little further. It is the same principles with fitness & training, combined with finding these remote places, solely by human power, that is what fuels my passion to help others as a personal trainer, & show anyone willing to learn, the potential they posses. From all disciplines & ability levels, these movements & routines can be tailored to fit your needs or specific goals. After years of trying multiple avenues of workout routines, I realized none of them had a "journey" in mind, they all had a specific result. Whether that was to loose weight, gain mass, or get shredded. That is when I realized I wanted to simply be ready for any challenge & multiple unknowns, under any condition of exhaustion! So I began to look at movements & motions of all the activities I enjoyed & focused on what would help me to further my endurance habits & mental longevity on life, plus add value to helping control my sugars. Then, I began to focus on combining simple body weight exercises, yoga poses, mobility motions, in specific sequences to help enhance my ability to work longer at a more consistent energy output. By varying reps, time, & order of set workouts, it makes one tap into some deeper inner mental strength as well. I like to combine heart zone training at multiple intensities along with igniting the tiny muscle fibers that help support all the larger muscle groups, to truly unlock next level potential by enhancing our ability to use fat as energy & make new neurological, mind/muscle connections to continually progress our fitness, instead of becoming stagnant in the same old; lift, add weight, repeat.
~Health is wealth & knowledge is power~
Here is a full body workout routine I had put together at the beginning of quarantine, due to the Coronavirus lock downs happening nation wide. Simple, body weight motions designed to get anyone stuck at home off the couch and moving!
Below are two videos from a series I started & plan to continue to build on! Stay tuned, or feel free to leave some feedback on what you would like to see in future workout routines.
I enjoy being able to provide these general workouts & routines because I believe everyone should have access to fitness, more importantly, FUNctional fitness. Being regularly active helps reduce over all stress, pumps more oxygen throughout your body, allowing your brain to process with more clarity, helps expel bad toxins & chemicals we are surrounded by daily, & maybe most importantly, it helps us make more conscience choices about the fuel we are putting into our bodies.
So if you enjoy these workouts & have larger or more specific goals than these videos may be able to help accomplish, feel free to inquire about some, individual training programs. Whether you are looking to improve your cardio vascular fitness, start stacking some lean muscle mass, or you want someone there with you as you begin this fitness journey, making sure you are executing the workouts properly. I would be happy to chat & dial in a perfect plan that works for your life & goals.